Book: Agniputr
Author: Vadhan
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
No. of Pages: ~350
I have received numerous books so far - sent by Authors, Publishers, Book Review programs etc. But, Agniputr, is by far the best among them (not many of my reviews start this way!). I have always been a sucker for fantasy and that is probably why it was very interesting. Thanks to the publisher for sending an author signed copy this time - gave it a very personal touch - glad you recognise that there is a human being behind the blog!
It is difficult to summarise everything that happens in the book, to be honest. The blurb for the book itself is pretty confusing - check it out on GoodReads. It is that busy a book. But, when reading the book itself, it all unravels at a pretty good pace and makes complete sense (as much as a fantasy can) leading to a pretty cool finish.
Author: Vadhan
Genre: Fantasy Fiction
No. of Pages: ~350

I have received numerous books so far - sent by Authors, Publishers, Book Review programs etc. But, Agniputr, is by far the best among them (not many of my reviews start this way!). I have always been a sucker for fantasy and that is probably why it was very interesting. Thanks to the publisher for sending an author signed copy this time - gave it a very personal touch - glad you recognise that there is a human being behind the blog!
It is difficult to summarise everything that happens in the book, to be honest. The blurb for the book itself is pretty confusing - check it out on GoodReads. It is that busy a book. But, when reading the book itself, it all unravels at a pretty good pace and makes complete sense (as much as a fantasy can) leading to a pretty cool finish.